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Roest p3000.


Updated: Jul 9, 2024

⚠️Great news ☄️from your #kaffenauts! ✌️❤️☕️

Some of you may know, but we have been chosen to test one of the prototypes of #roestcoffee p3000.

It is exciting on so many levels. Firstly for the trust✌️🙏 and the recognition but also for the possibility to tweak, and put our knowledge into science. 🧬 🧪

For us it’s important to spread great coffee from the world's most fantastic producers, showcase them in the best-imagined way possible and strengthen the bonds, hearts and soul of the world's food producers.

We exist because the consumers want better knowledge about the food and great products for a fair price.

The Roaster is a precision tool, where we can dial in with 100% accuracy the correct parameters for the coffee. This will not only push our knowledge about coffee roasting, but it will push the boarders of what is possible in manipulating the flavors of the coffee.

Coffee's rich flavor profile is a result of hundreds of aromatic compounds trapped within the green bean. 

During roasting, these compounds undergo a transformation known as the Maillard reaction. By carefully managing temperature, we can coax out these delicate aromas, revealing hints of chocolate, florals, fruits, and more.

These are not artificial flavors; they are the inherent potential of the bean, brought to life through the art and science of roasting.

And as we always say in #jacobsensvart

Our promise to you is to make beans come true

Fred, kjærlighet og kaffe ✌️❤️☕️

Jacobsen og Svart.

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2 comentarios

Tony Jacobsen
Tony Jacobsen
09 jul 2024

Fantastisk. Ja det stemmer nok ganske bra. Husker selv når de kom ut med dette dokumentet. Det var en av dokumentene jeg brukte for å lære om kaffebrenneren.

Det er et fantastisk produkt. Vi gleder oss veldig til å bli kjent med den og pushe grensene. 😊👍

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Så gøy!

Møtte disse gutta på et gründerseminar på NTNU mens de fortsatt kalte seg Simonsen & Simonsen, det var absolutt noe gjenkjennbart fra ideen de hadde der ja!

Ser frem til å oppleve de gode kaffesmakene du/dere klarer å trylle frem med den. 🙂

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